Articles / Analysis

Misconceptions And Conflicting Goals Create A Plan Designed For Failure. Summarizes many of the conflicts within the new welfare legislation. We made an honest effort to reduce it in size but, no one could figure what to cut. Just go ahead, print it and read it at your leisure. Be warned, it is hard to put down once you start and you might driven to take action after understanding the consequences of the pending changes. (Franci Collins 4/02/97)

Employer Incentives in Welfare Reform. Describes some of the key pitfalls for both employers and welfare recipients who are seeking jobs. Potential solutions are outlined. (Franci Collins 7/08/97)

Declines in Food Stamp and Welfare Participation: Is There a Connection? Urban Institute Report by Sheila R. Zedlewski and Sarah Brauner Food stamp caseloads have been declining almost as rapidly as the cash assistance caseloads. Between the August 1996 passage of federal welfare reform and September 1998, 6.2 million persons left food stamps (25% of the caseload). During the same period, 4.4 million persons left cash assistance (36% of the caseload). While declines were expected in Food Stamp Program (FSP) participation as a result of the strong economy and federal reforms that scaled back the FSP, these factors do not adequately explain the unprecedented decline in the food stamp program rolls.

One Year After Federal Welfare Reform: A Description of State Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Decisions as of October 1997." (May 28, 1998) By L. Jerome Gallagher, Megan Gallagher, Kevin Perese, Susan Schreiber and Keith Watson. It is available on the Urban Institute website in html format.

LINC Project. LINC Project is the electronic crossroads where the members, leaders, and organizers of low income organizations confronting the shredding of our social safety net can connect, gather and exchange information and have their organizing efforts represented.    

The Worst Thing Bill Clinton Has Done. Peter Edelman, a former high Clinton Administration official with responsibility for social policy, resigned his office last year rather than be a party to the President's signing of a "welfare-reform" bill. Here he speaks out for the first time. (3/97)

Matching Savings Gives Poor a Leg Up. UPI article describes how Individual Development Accounts are finally becoming a recognized way out of poverty. Several demonstration projects are described.

Welfare Repeal: The Impact of H.R. 3734 on Homelessness in America. Detailed analysis posted by National Coalition for the Homeless.

Barriers Faced by Welfare Recipients in the Transition to Work. 1998 study conducted by Mathematica Policy Research, examines the following barriers: lack of specialized child care, disability, domestic violence, financial emergencies, housing instability, lack of health insurance, mental illness, substance abuse, and inadequate transportation. The report also looks at a category called "multiple barriers."

Walking the Lifelong Tightrope – Negotiating Work in the New Economy. Details the growing inequality for workers within the New Economy which is taking the country by storm right now. It is an “hourglass economy”, marked at one end by growth in highly paid professional jobs and at the other by an increase of low wage, part time, and contingency jobs. Published by Working Partnerships USA and the Economic Policy Institute.

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